The World Told by Grace.
1 min readMar 30, 2021


Can’t talk right now, we’re doing hot dog shit right now.

We’ve had our munchkin for two months now and it’s gearing up to be a hot summer. So we’re thinking about taking the puppers to the BEACH! It’s been a good minute since us humans have been to the beach too so I’m totally stoked, dude. \m/

Anyone have any recommendations? I already have a silicone water bowl for easy travel and a backpack-cooler thing to bring water/snacks for him and I. I’m planning on bringing his favorite chicken treats (mmmm chicken, literally the only flavor he goes bananas for) and food for the boyfriend and I. Growing up, my grandma and my mom would make us tuna or ham sandwiches for the road. Maybe I’ll bring out our picnic basket and take that with us instead… is that too extra or just enough?

Googling top friendly dog beaches, my top 3 destinations are: Ponce Inlet Dog Beach, Picnic Island Beach Dog Park and Canova Beach Park. I don’t know anything about any of them and was just planning on cruising down to Cocoa or Daytona and calling it a good day in the sun!

I know the day needs to start off with coffee and a Starbucks pup cup… OBVIOUSLY! If you see this and are a master of road-trips that include dogs and beaches, please give me your insider tips and good vibes.

Until next time.



The World Told by Grace.

"Grace". 27, born in Dallas, living in Central Florida. I have a lot to talk about, she/her